Operating Table Accessories and Patient Positioning

Positioning of the surgical patient is an area of passion and expertise by Magical Beasts. Working with selected manufacturers enables us to focus on this area and provide support to operating theatres for their operating table accessories, ancillaries and patient positioning solutions.

Regular reappraisal of technique, practice and equipment for patient positioning is recommended for continuous improvement and overall patient and staff safety.

Working closely with the clinicians to understand the Operating Theatre Department’s case mix and preferences we can assist to maximise existing accessories and equipment, conduct audits and offer recommendations to consider for optimal patient positioning in tune with their assessment, comfort, safety and anatomy.

A selection of the most common, useful and safest positioning solutions is available through Magical Beasts; we don’t distribute an operating table or single brand of accessories so we are non biased and focused on safe, optimal positioning of the surgical patient. Solid working relationships with operating table and table accessory manufacturers affords us the scope and freedom to choose magical beasts fit for purpose and user’s preferences.